The Most Effective Ways to Manage Stress

Hina Iftikhar
3 min readJun 20, 2023


Finding the source of your stress, whether it’s related to your job or something more personal, is the first step to feeling better. Doing nothing and not taking charge of the situation can make things worse.

Building mental fortitude, taking charge of your circumstances, having a strong social network, and adopting a positive approach are some factors in effective stress management.

Here are 8 ways to handle stress:

Aim to remain optimistic

Find the good things and things to be thankful for in life.

At the conclusion of each day, try listing three things that went well or for which you are grateful.

Work Smart, Not Hard

Prioritizing your work and focusing on the tasks that will actually change things implies working smarter. The last essential chores should be done last. Recognize that you won’t have enough time for everything.

Lend a Hand to Others

According to research, those who lend a hand to others through volunteering or other community services frequently develop more resiliency.

Try to do someone a courtesy every day if you don’t have time to volunteer. Even the smallest gestures, like guiding a pedestrian across the street or making coffee runs for coworkers, count.

Stay Away from Bad Habits

Don’t rely on caffeine, alcohol, or smoking as coping mechanisms. These crutches may offer short-term solace, but they won’t help you in the long run. Simply said, they’ll make new ones. The best course of action is to address the stressor.

Push Yourself

Setting objectives and challenges for yourself, whether at work or outside of it, such as taking up a new activity or learning a new language, can help you become more confident. You might find this relaxing. Additionally, it might inspire you to act and be active.

Spend Some “Me Time”

We frequently don’t spend enough time doing the things we truly enjoy because many of us work long hours. crucial to set aside some time for leisure, exercise, and socializing. You might try designating a few evenings each week for some relaxing private time without any work.

Make Connections With Others

A strong network of friends, family, and coworkers can help you get through difficult times at work and open your eyes to new perspectives. Our social interactions with friends can aid in stress relief and relaxation. Finding solutions to your concerns may also be aided by conversing with a buddy. Learn the five steps to mental health, including the advantages of social interaction.

Take Charge

Your tension may worsen if you feel helpless in the face of your issue. One of the key reasons for stress and poor wellness is a sense of control loss. Being in charge is empowering in and of itself, and it’s essential to find a solution that satisfies you and not someone else.


Stress management skills are essential for maintaining our mental and physical health. By incorporating these 10 techniques into our daily lives, we can learn to control our stress levels and improve our overall well-being. Whether it’s through exercise, meditation, or social support, each of these skills can play a significant role in reducing stress and promoting a more positive outlook on life. It’s important to remember that everyone’s stress management needs are unique, so it’s important to experiment with different techniques to find what works best for us. With practice and persistence, we can develop the skills we need to cope with stress and lead a more fulfilling life.

